A Holistic Guide to Healing Your Nervous System

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to heal your trauma and step into a life of abundance?

🎙️ Join us on the latest episode of "Your Woo Woo Best Friend" with the incredible Olivia Marie, a seasoned healer, and coach who has guided thousands of women toward overcoming survival mode and embracing the magic of thriving mode. 

In pursuing a balanced and well-nourished nervous system, it's crucial to explore holistic approaches that encompass physical well-being and mental, emotional, and energetic aspects. Let's dive into integrating trauma healing, mindset cultivation, and business energetics as key elements in fostering a harmonious nervous system.

healing nervous system

What is a neutral regulated nervous system?

A neutral, regulated nervous system is where the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) branches are in balance. Achieving this equilibrium is crucial for overall well-being.

Mindfulness practices, deep breathing, and self-awareness are key tools in fostering a regulated nervous system, allowing the body to respond appropriately to stressors without becoming overwhelmed.

🎙️ Dive into the conversation as Olivia shares her insights on cultivating a neutral, regulated nervous system. Learn practical tips and techniques to bring balance to your life, fostering a sense of calm and resilience.

Survival Mode vs. Thriving Mode:

Understanding the difference between survival and thriving modes is essential for nervous system health. Survival mode is characterized by constant stress, heightened alertness, and a focus on basic survival needs.

Thriving mode, conversely, involves a sense of safety, connection, and the ability to pursue higher-level goals. Shifting from survival to thriving mode often requires intentional practices such as gratitude, positive affirmations, and setting and achieving meaningful goals.

🎙️ Olivia specializes in guiding individuals from mere survival to a state of thriving. Discover the mindset shifts, practices, and actionable steps she recommends to move beyond limitations and create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Trauma in the Body and Moving Through It:

Trauma can become stored in the body, impacting the nervous system's functioning. Integrative practices like somatic experiencing, body-centered therapies, and movement modalities (such as dance or yoga) can aid in releasing stored trauma.

These approaches allow individuals to move through and process traumatic experiences, promoting physical and emotional healing.

🎙️ Olivia sheds light on the impact of trauma on the body and provides valuable tools to navigate through it. Explore the mind-body connection and discover transformative practices to release stored tension and promote holistic healing.

4 Ways To Heal Your Nervous System

Mindset Cultivation:

The mind and nervous system are intricately connected, making mindset a powerful influencer on overall well-being. Cultivating a positive and resilient mindset involves self-awareness, mindfulness, and self-compassion.

Engage in activities that promote a growth mindset, emphasizing learning and adaptation rather than fixed perspectives. By reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, you can positively impact your nervous system's response to stressors.

Business Energetics:

For those navigating the challenges of a fast-paced business environment, recognizing the energetic aspects of work is essential. Stress and pressure in the business world can profoundly impact the nervous system.

Practices such as energy management, setting boundaries, and incorporating mindfulness into the workday can mitigate the adverse effects of stress. Additionally, aligning your business goals with your values and purpose contributes to a more harmonious and sustainable approach to work.

Energy Healing Practices:

Energetic imbalances can manifest as physical and emotional symptoms, affecting the nervous system's functioning. Incorporate energy healing practices such as Reiki, acupuncture, or energy psychology modalities to restore balance.

These practices focus on clearing blockages and enhancing the flow of vital energy, promoting a sense of calm and vitality within the nervous system.

Mind-Body Techniques:

Mind-body techniques, including yoga, tai chi, and qigong, integrate movement, breath, and mindfulness to promote overall well-being.

These practices contribute to physical health and facilitate a mind-body connection that positively influences the nervous system. Regular engagement in mind-body activities can reduce stress, increase body awareness, and enhance emotional resilience.

Creating a Dream Life:

Envisioning and actively working towards a dream life is a powerful motivator for the nervous system. Define your values, set realistic goals, and take small steps toward realizing your aspirations. This process provides a sense of purpose and positively influences the neural pathways associated with motivation and reward.

🎙️ Olivia has a remarkable talent for helping individuals manifest their desires. Tune in as she shares practical insights on setting goals, aligning with your passions, and creating a dream life beyond imagination.

Learning to Manifest Desires:

Manifestation involves aligning thoughts, emotions, and actions with desired outcomes. By cultivating a positive mindset, practicing gratitude, and taking intentional actions, individuals can learn to manifest their desires. This process constructively engages the nervous system, reinforcing the belief that positive change is possible.

Intuitive Voice vs. Egoic Voice:

Distinguishing between the intuitive and egoic voices is crucial for making aligned decisions.

The intuitive voice, often a quiet knowing, guides us towards authenticity and purpose. The egoic voice, driven by fear and self-doubt, can lead to stress and inner conflict. Meditation and mindfulness help cultivate awareness, allowing individuals to discern between these voices and make decisions that resonate with their true selves.


Ikigai, a Japanese concept meaning "a reason for being," represents the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.

Aligning your life with your ikigai provides a roadmap for a fulfilling existence. Reflect on these four aspects and make intentional choices that honor your unique combination, promoting balance and purpose in your life.

🎙️ Olivia introduces the Japanese concept of ikigai and guides you in reflecting on what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. Explore how aligning with your ikigai can pave the way for a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone:

Growth and expansion occur when we step outside our comfort zones. Challenge yourself to embrace new experiences, face fears, and take calculated risks. The discomfort associated with pushing boundaries can lead to increased resilience, improved self-esteem, and a more adaptable nervous system.

Staying Excited About the Future:

Maintaining enthusiasm for the future is vital for a vibrant nervous system. Cultivate a positive outlook by setting inspiring goals, celebrating achievements, and practicing gratitude. Stay connected to your passions and surround yourself with a supportive community to fuel a sense of purpose and excitement.

TLDR; How To Heal The Nervous System

Embark on this empowering journey with Olivia Marie as we explore the depths of holistic healing, mindset transformation, and the path to living an abundant life. Don't miss this opportunity to glean wisdom from a true expert in the field of well-being.

Healing and nourishing the nervous system requires a comprehensive and holistic approach that considers the interplay of physical, mental, emotional, and energetic elements.

By incorporating trauma-informed practices, cultivating a positive mindset, and recognizing the active dynamics in the business realm, you can create a foundation for sustained well-being.

Remember that this journey is unique to each individual, and exploring a combination of these holistic approaches can lead to a more profound and lasting sense of harmony within the nervous system.

🎙️ Listen to the full episode on "Your Woo Woo Best Friend" and discover the keys to unlocking a life filled with healing, abundance, and joy. 



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